September 22, 2011


written by Ally Spotts

“Is there 'one' person out there who I am supposed to marry? If so, how am I supposed to know when I meet them?”

When it comes to relationships, this is by far the most popular topic for conversation. In the Christian community, it goes even beyond the idea of soul mates, and supposes God Himself has hand-selected your life partner.

I have to admit, it’s a legitimate question. I have spent a good deal of time mulling over it myself. In fact, ask my friends. Nine times out of 10 I’m the one to start the discussion. The idea of "The One" is intriguing, popular, romantic and convenient. We read about it, sing about it, look for it, even pray for it.

But I’m going to ask us, collectively, to quit talking so much about "The One." Way too much time has been wasted already. Here are five reasons we need to just stop having this conversation.

1. It focuses too much on the other and not enough on ourselves.

We’re wasting so much time asking, “How do I know if he is the one?” that we forget to check and make sure we are “The One.” When it comes to love and dating, who we are becoming should absolutely, unequivocally be our primary focus. Love is not motivated by selfishness but propelled by generosity and outward thinking.

Let’s redirect our mental and emotional energy to growing in faith, maturity and integrity, becoming the men and women God has created us to be. The rest will settle itself.

2. It causes unnecessary conflict between the “heart” and the “head” part of the decision.

Most of the time when I hear a married friend describe meeting “The One,” they talk about a “when-you-know-you-know” kind of a feeling, which is good. That feeling exists. The problem? You can have that feeling for someone who isn’t “The One” you marry! Those feelings, however authentic they may be at times, are a fleeting and flexible foundation.

Choosing a spouse (or falling in love for that matter) is not a battle between our heads and our hearts. It’s a beautiful convergence of the two. We need both to make a good decision. Let’s not pit them against one another.

3. It gets us stuck.

If there is only “One” person out there who we are supposed to be with, it raises questions like: What if my spouse dies? Or leaves me for another man? Or what if I’m engaged to “The One” and he decides he doesn’t want to marry me?

Was he/she not the one? Or do I have more than one “The One”? Did God change His mind?

God is an infinitely creative Author, so it is no wonder our love stories (and life stories) would unfold in infinitely creative ways. Let’s not put limits on God’s ability to work in creative ways in our lives.

4. It tempts us to abandon personal responsibility.

I’ve heard “The One” idea used more than once as an excuse to be passive and timid, or just plain unavailable. I’m not suggesting we be someone who we aren’t, but here’s the thing:

God isn’t going to send “The One” to knock on your front door.

You play a role in your love story, too, and it probably isn’t going to be easy. God is growing you during this time as much as He is your future spouse. When you rid yourself of "The One" thinking, you realize your responsibility in carefully, prayerfully and proactively choosing someone to be with. Don't become preoccupied with this pursuit, but if you believe love and marriage is a part of your future, don't ignore it either.

5. It puts too much pressure on our dates or potential dates.

The idea of “The One” makes it easy to adopt a “Prince Charming” or “Dream Girl” mentality, where you believe some perfect someone is going to come along and meet your every need. No man or woman can live up to that standard, and if you expect them to, everyone is going to be disappointed.

Romance exists, and it is beautiful, but it is not a fairy tale. When it comes to love and companionship, are you waiting on fate, or walking in faith?

The point of love and marriage is to fully commit to one person, yes. But it is only in your hands and God's timing that a someone becomes your one.


  1. What a lovely post! :)

  2. i like how you wrote are you waiting on fate or walking in faith.
    This conversation, or the liking, has seemed to surround me lately. I like the outline you have here and I agree with a lot of it.
    I do think that the Adam and Eve scenario serves as a great illustration of my idea of how it works though.

    God created Adam.
    He took His time to CREATE (build) the man.
    Then he took the woman and made her FIT the man by using the mans rib.
    It would make sense to have the mindset that the man I end up marrying, if I lord willing marry, will be like I was made to support and submit to Him.

    Also God has to create that man and woman. He takes His time and then He allows them to sort of wake up and meet one another.

    This is roughly my whole take on the whole "THE ONE" talk.

    I'm not really a believer in dating at all either. So I'm a bit biased. But really its based purely off of what God has revealed about what I am to look for and key drivers in knowing and recognizing it in a man of God.

    Im tired but hopefully that sort of made sense.
    I love this post. I think I'm going to share it with some sisters :)!


    oh and the creating process goes back to the whole being the woman and man GOD has called us to be. Actively waiting on the Lord so to speak. Seeking FIRST the kingdom and letting all else fall into place.

  3. Love this post... As CheChe said, I am not a believer in dating either.

    The part about focusing on being "the one" rather than finding "the one" is so wise. How better off we would all be if we would use our singleness as a stage of growth and development in Christ. We need to allow God to work on our character so that once we enter into marriage we can be ready.

  4. I've read this before, but it's always a great reminder, and I couldn't agree more! I think that, as women, we grow up with the idea that there is "the one" guy that we will meet, fall in love with, and marry - but I think that's kind of unrealistic (and somewhat strange). I mean, I look at the woman who marries "the love of her life" only to become a widow, and later remarry another wonderful man. Does that mean that there were "the two" for her? How complicated! Personally, the idea that there are actually many men out there that God created who compliment me well, and yet we get to choose which one to marry, is so much more romantic!!!

  5. I love this, Emily! And I agree with what Gennean says, too. I believe there are various people with whom we would work well within a marriage {how's that for unintentional alliteration?!}, but I also believe God brings to us the person with whom we are best suited. We just need to be well accustomed to hearing His voice so that we know when He's telling us which one that is!


let me know what you think! :)