March 6, 2011

We cannot keep doing the same thing, the same way, and expect something different to happen. Think about that for a second....apply it to circumstances in your life, isn't it true? I have come to the point where I am slowly starting to understand that God is the only one that gets me. He knows my heart. Scripture is so clear of that! 1 John 19-20: "This is how we know that we belong to the truth and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence: If our hearts condemn us, we know that God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything." He knows everything. If you only get one thing from reading this blog today, get this: He knows everything. He knows the desires of our hearts before we even know them! He knows the pain we are about to experience before we experience it. The cool thing about that? He has overcome the pain that we have yet to experience. He has the perfect remedy for the hurt. No one else can get us like God gets us. But the tendency in our lives is that times of our lives when we most need to pour something out, we have a tendency to pour something in. When we most desperately need to pour out our hearts to God because He knows whats best for us, we are so quick to replace Him with material objects... we replace him with relationships, food, drink, activity, images, ... we stuff things in. We have something that we know that we are just trying to hold down. We are too scared to give it up to God. We hesitate at the thought of talking to God about it. Instead of bringing it straight to the throne of Jesus, we will pour on top of it. We add things to it, am I right? We pile everything we can on top of it, to the point where we don't even see God in it sometimes. We forget to turn to God because we have covered Him up completely. As a girl, especially a girl in college with a job, two volunteer commitments and a relationship, I have plenty of emotions. Enough emotions that if you are lacking some, I would be glad to hand some over to you. kidding, sort of. But really, it is such a challenge for me to bring my emotions to God. Because I cover Him up with my tears, with binge eating, with my boyfriend, with my homework, with my family, with my books, with my life. How dare I. I want to get to the point where I can bring any emotion, no matter what it is, into the throne room of God and lay it on the table and cry out to my Father, "let Your Will be done." Our emotions are so toxic sometimes.. they eat us up. The lies of Satan can consume our thoughts. It is so important to remember that God gets the victory over Satan! God HAS the victory over Satan, and there has never been a time where God has NOT had victory over anything. Toxic emotions need to be poured out freely before the throne of Grace. Lets not forget that God makes beauty out of ashes! It is honestly so true that sometimes we forget we are dealing with God- He listens to every single word you are saying and He knows all of your emotional upheaval. Next time you are tempted to pour in, what is it you need to pour out?

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