January 18, 2012


This is a short-clip from one of my pastor's sermons a couple of months ago. It is DEEP and it is incredibly moving. Watch it and be blessed by Him!

January 10, 2012

ready to have your mind blown?

Think about this: if the distance between the earth and the sun is 92 million miles was the thickness of a sheet of paper, then the distance from earth to the nearest star would be a stack of paper 70 feet high, and the distance from across our galaxy would be a stack of paper 310 miles high. And our galaxy is just one little speck of dust in the universe, as it is. And if there is a person who holds all of it together with the Word of his Power, his pinky, as it were, is this the kind of person you ask into you life to be your Personal Assistant?

January 7, 2012

no one.

"There is no one holy like the LORD; there is no one besides you; there is no Rock like our God." 1 Samuel 2:2

Want to hear some INCREDIBLY refreshing news?! There is absolutely NO ONE like our God. His nature is PERFECT. The works of His hand are indescribably beautiful. His kindness is overwhelming. His love is completely UNCONDITIONAL. He is ready to forgive. He is your Rock when everything else seems to be crumbling from under your feet. His arms stretch further than the east is from the west. And you know what? They're wide open for YOU. Run into those arms and embrace His never-ending COMPASSION. He is your Jehovah Jireh. God provides.