June 26, 2011

Psalm 147:3

hey friends!

I'm serious when I say that I have missed posting. Writing down (or should I say, typing out) my thoughts is just so relaxing and brings my mind to an ease. I have been emotionally and physically drained lately and just haven't had the energy to blog! But anyways, I am back. Here are my thoughts. I hope this meets you where you are at :)

I am put on this earth to glorify God. God specifically placed me on this earth so that I may bear His image (um, wow!) and glorify Him. Why does that seem so hard to me lately? I have devoted so much of my attention to worrying and to over-thinking things, that I have kind of set God on the side burner and I have not fully trusted Him with my life.. with everything that He puts me though. So many times I have questioned God for the season of life that He has placed me in these past few months. I can attest to that saying "when it rains, it pours." And man, there's a pretty large thunderstorm going on right now over this tiny girl's heart and mind. But I have began to notice things... little by little... about this season. And you want to know something? This is not the first time I have gone through a difficult season. This sure isn't the first time that God has shaken me and tested my faith. It's not always in the season that I learn something new, it's in the aftermath that I learn things. I have been reflecting on the things that God has put me through and the testimony that I have now because of the trials. God works everything out for my good. He works things out for the good of His children. But in the moment, why is it so hard for me to understand that eventually, I will look back on this and praise Jesus for this season?

It's because I am blinded, in a sense. I went to the beach with my daddy today. Unfortunately our trip got cut short and we left early because the sky had an ominous look to it. On our way home on the highway, it started POURING down rain. I mean like, we couldn't see the road. I started freaking out and even asked my dad if it was safe to be driving in it. I saw a bunch of cars pulled over on the side of the highway. My dad thought it to be okay that we press on. We didn't stop. Even though I wanted to. The rain was coming down so hard. After a while, the rain started to lessen and before long, the sunshine came out through the clouds. The SUNSHINE came out through the CLOUDS. I began to think...isn't that sort of what happens in our lives? When we are in the midst of the storm, when we are in the absolute middle of the downpour, we can't see anything. But we are instructed to press on. We do not stop in the middle of the storm...because we have to trust that God will show us something through all of it. And what happens after the storm? The ever-so-beautiful sunshine breaks through the clouds. In the same way that the sun shows itself through the clouds, God displays Himself after our storms of life. He promises to never ever leave us. Even though we cannot feel Him and see Him and His will in the middle of the storm, He always guides us and shows us a way out of the rain in our life. It soothes my soul to hear the promise that "His yoke is easy, and His burden is light" (Matthew 11:30). I need to reflect back on what God has done for me in the past. I need to remember His faithfulness. And when I start getting back into the hurtful and depressed state of mind and pattern, I need to keep His unfailing love and grace at the forefront of my mind. I was at a Bible study this week and a woman said something that stuck with me. She said, "a glance back helps you take a step forward." HOW TRUE! I jotted that down so quickly. God is always faithful. Psalm 89:8 says, "O LORD God Almighty, who is like you? You are mighty, O LORD, and your faithfulness surrounds you."

It all comes down to this: we are broken people, in the hands of an unbreakable God.

lastly, take two minutes and seven seconds out of your morning, day or night to watch this. I PROMISE you will be blessed.



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