May 13, 2011

two words, yall.

Trusting God.

Two words that seem to be a lot harder than they should be. But… why? This is the question that I have been wrestling with for the past few months or so. Actually, I think the question of “why” is something that I have been dealing with my whole life-- If I could be so honest. I know that trusting God is the best possible thing that I could ever do. I know that trusting God will give me a peace that passes all understanding. I know that God has the greatest intentions for me. I know that His will is perfect. I know, I know, I … know. But do I really? People always say, “take heart… God is good” or, “it will all be okay, just trust in God for this one…”. It’s almost as if the phrase “trust God” has just become something as ordinary as when someone sneezes and the response is “God bless you.” Do we really take the time to think about the two words: TRUST GOD?! For me, not so much. I think in order to fully wrap my mind around trusting God, I need to turn to His word. I need to fill my mind with verses that remind me of His trust and of His faithfulness. It’s one thing to remind myself to trust God, and it’s another thing to actually put it to action, by reminding myself of the promises and plans and will of my Father in Heaven. God brought me to this verse this week and there is no mistake… I NEEDED IT :) It’s amazing. It has changed my pattern of life these past few days. It has caused me to live more in the “moment” and to depend on Him more and more. I guess you are wondering what it is, huh ?

"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7.

If you haven’t read 1 Peter, go read it after you’re finished with this! OR at your earliest opportunity. It is wonderful writing, straight from the breath of God.. and it will rock your world. I found this quote to go along with this verse, read it and be blessed by this man’s wisdom!:

"Not only will He never leave you--that's the negative side of the promise--but He cares for you. He is not just there with you. He cares for you. His care is constant--not occasional or sporadic. His care is total--even the very hairs of your head are numbered. His care is sovereign--nothing can touch you that He does not allow. His care is infinitely wise and good so that again in the words of John Newton, 'If it were possible for me to alter any part of his plan, I could only spoil it.'"

WOW. God? You are beautiful.


  1. Thanks for writing this reminder. I read this a few weeks back, and again tonight on your blog. Your are right, it is harder to put it into action. I sat last night freaking out in our downstairs bathroom when the tornado sirens were going off (we did not end up having a tornado in our city), with the boys, and being so stressed. I hate storms, and especially when we are under tornado watch. My sister texted me while I was hunkered with the boys to trust God. It is He who says, "Peace be still" to the storm. This doesn't just apply to just actual storms, but storms in life. Also, wanted to check in on you to see how you were doing. If you are in school, hope the end of your semester wrapped up well.

  2. (p.s.meant to say "you are right", not your are is late here~)

  3. This post is so true! A lot of what we are taught to say/believe becomes cliche much too often, and we begin to lose sight of the true and powerful nature of God!

    And 1 Peter is great! One of my favorite verses is 1 Peter 1:6-7!

  4. your so beautiful! how did I not get this post on my feed??? I am pretty sad about that. God has really been allowing me to FALL and I'm left remembering that I am supposed to trust him at ALL times and acting upon my anxieties only makes things worst. Being still and knowing He is God is the HARDEST thing in the world to do. trust me. I knowwwww that struggle.
    But God always works it out for me. His mercies are never ending and HIS GRACE COVERS A MULTITUDE. I love you and your blog! Keep writing...



let me know what you think! :)