March 31, 2011

And we know (we know it even if we don’t feel it) that in all things (even the ones we can’t even fathom being used for good) God works for the good. (He works for the good. Our job is to walk with Him day by day. His job is to work the good.) - Romans 8:28

...Trying to remember today (and everyday) that God is in the business of LOVE. He loves us. He cares for us. He wants what is best for us, even if we do not think it is best for us at the present time. Try and reflect back on a time where God did something in your life that you thought was completely wrong and you were not happy with it. Look where you are today... was it for your good that He did what He did? You will be surprised.... :) I know that I am astonished today as I reflect back on everything that God has brought me through ( all the struggles, heartaches, issues) to bring me to where I am today. And He is not finished with me yet! Same goes for you :)

Grace and Honor to Him,


  1. this is beautiful and encouraging this morning. i was feeling a little on the blah side, but now you've helped me bring to me all the good God has worked out for me. I have to rejoice just seeing how even my worse moments have been beneficial in some way. And it's all His mercy. :)

  2. Just hopped in on over from singing in the rain. Your car name cracked me up. Love it. What a beautiful post you wrote today.

  3. hey! Thanks for following me sis :). I'm not one to always follow back whoever is following me (what can I say I have But I love your passion for the LORD and I am always looking for other CHRISTIAN bloggers to follow. THANK you for the reminder of the PARTS we play and who GOD is and what it is that HE is calling us to do as believers. I love HIM. He sooooo sweett.. haha

    your gorgeous by the way :)!


  4. oh and I LOVE francesca battistelli... She is amazing isn't she? Have you ever listened to REBECCA ST. JAMES?? I like her voice as well and she has an amazing popish style.. kk im done.


  5. that's the truth.



let me know what you think! :)