I will not yield my glory to another
or my praise to idols.
See, the former things have taken place,
and new things I declare;
before they spring into being
I announce them to you.”
Do any of you like roller coasters?! This past month has been so crazy and exciting and stressful and painful and heart-wrenching and delightful and warm and cozy and sad and hectic and wonderful. Have I covered it all this month? I think so...probably. To say that I have been on a roller coaster would be lightly touching the surface. But hey- it's all good! God has taught me more in the month of December than I think I have ever been taught in my entire life! It is almost as if God used this month as a way to detoxify me ( to be completely honest with you!) Is it just me or can someone else testify to the fact that we can sometimes live such messy lives and get so caught up in our sinfulness that sometimes we just start living like nothing is wrong! Like we just get used to our sins?! Whoa whoa whoa. Get used to our sins? No. My God does not let us nor does He like us to get so caught up in a sinful lifestyle. So without too much rambling I will say this- God is so amazingly wonderfully faithful to reveal sin in us! I have a God who is my daddy, who doesn't let me touch the hot stove or even want me to go near it because He knows whats going to happen... I will get burnt! But sometimes it can be too late, and we do get burnt. But you wanna know how cool my Father in Heaven is? He can take the worst of situations (me getting "burnt") and be that daddy there for me to heal me and make it better. He can 'sit me down' and talk to me and take me through His word revealing to me the dangers of sin and what can come because of it! I am incredibly thankful that God never leaves us. He never leaves me even though I give Him plenty beyond plentyyy of reasons to. When I shut the door in his face and leave him out in the cold and dark areas in my life, He STILL manages to find His way back inside and grab hold of my heart usually in ways of STRONG conviction. Which, hey God? THANK YOU for the HOLY SPIRIT that you have placed inside of me! He has taught me in so many ways this month that I must trust God's promises rather than my own feelings! After all, my feelings can lead me in so many different directions ( i'm a girl :)) but God's promises ALWAYS lead me to the cross... where His blood was shed for me and for you. So that we may have Salvation in Him who has called us to Himself! When you take a glimpse at the life of Abraham, we sure do see a roller coaster of a life. In Genesis 12 he is called by God to leave his homeland, his family, and his father’s inheritance for another land that he has never seen, for a another family—God promises Abraham that he will be the father of a great nation (keep in mind that for 75 years his wife has been unable to have children), and for another inheritance of some vague “blessing.” He chooses by faith in God to go; he decides to trust that God’s promises of greater things will come true. He trusts that this rollercoaster ride will be exhilarating, but that God can be trusted. God is like the cars of the rollercoaster. Even though life plunges up and down, and Abraham gets a little queasy in his stomach, he knows that the cars will not fly off the track. In the end, all will be well. The ride will actually be exhilarating. There are twists and turns, but he is trusting all the way through the ride. That is my goal and I am so thankful that this month God placed me in the front seat of this roller coaster... and he sure did remember to buckle me in :) Praise and Glory go to HIM!
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