How big is this God that I claim to serve? That has been the question that has been on my heart for the past few days, weeks, and maybe even months? I find it so interesting how I can let a situation have its way with me- causing me to leave God in the dust and never once asking Him to have His hand in the situation. I will be honest, college is rough! It wears one out. One, namely being me. I cannot tell you the amount of times this week that I have had my pity parties over school or other issues in life and about half way through I remember, "oh yeah, maybe saying a prayer would help?" I mean I GUESS it would probably be helpful to ask the God ( you know, the one who CREATED me) for some strength and most importantly- guidance. Yes I know, I can be so pitiful. Jeremiah 29:11 says "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Did you catch that? God has only good things planned for us, for me, for YOU. He is not going to harm us! God is a good God. The stupid devil is the guy that has plans to destroy you, to harm you, to stress you out, to make you weak, to contaminate your mind and your thoughts, to cause you to stumble. We all experience stressful days and weeks in our lives, but we have the choice of how we are going to deal with them. I know that personally for me, I can become so involved with my own life and my own problems and issues that I totally forget to look to God, to magnify Him. To make much of Him. To glorify Him in every situation and trial that I am faced with. As a result of my wrong focus, my problems become magnified. They become my "idol." I pour my emotions and my thoughts into those problems rather than into the God who can relieve me from whatever problems that I may face! Isaiah 40:8 says "The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever." It doesn’t matter what our circumstances are- when we find a promise in the Bible and believe by faith to receive that promise, nothing nothing NOTHING can keep God from being faithful to His Word. If only we can learn to magnify Him in every circumstance, our problems will become smaller in comparison to the greatness and the power that God provides for us by faith. I have a feeling that I am not the only one who is going through this, either! Especially with school starting back up again, it can become awfully stressful and we can so easily lose sight of our God and how big He is. He cares about you and I more than anything and He loves to hear the prayers of His children. It is music to His ears! So when you get caught up in your own issues and just want to scream and cry (well, maybe not THAT), but when you want to go ballistic, just ask yourself, " how BIG is my God?" He only has good plans for you, and He knows exactly what they are far before He ever reveals them to you. Don't you think you can trust Him, then? I choose to see God in all of His power and glory, and by doing that, my problems, no matter how small or great, are nothing in comparison to Him!